"Brave and serviceable, but less daunting than the original."
This is an age where almost all stories have been told in
movies. It is no wonder that reboots are common these days, especially in the horror
department. Still, it comes as a shock when producer Sam Raimi and director Gil Kenan gave their own version of the 1982 horror classic by producer Steven Spielberg and director Tobe Hooper. Did 2015’s Poltergeist live up to the expectations? Or did the creators fall
The new Poltergeist
opens with some mobile game about zombie, and in case you have not watched the
1982 movie, that and the Ghost House Pictures emblem tell you that it shall be
a horror film. The Bowen family, composing of father Eric (Sam Rockwell),
mother Amy (Rosemarie DeWitt), eldest daughter Kendra (Saxon Sharbino), middle
child Griffin (Kyle Catlett) and youngest daughter Madison (Kennedi Clements),
are moving into their new house in a quiet neighborhood. In the days that
follow, the family observes paranormal activities inside the house but choose
not to mind them. However, the forces are unstoppable and soon take Maddie
through the closet. Enlisting the help of some paranormal experts, the family
learns about the poltergeist and then devise a plan to save their youngest.
The present film essentially follows the same storyline as
the original and some elements are common. In both films, technology has played
an important role. The 1982 version relied only on TV and the lightings, but
now, statics on the mobile phone and gadgets assisted in bringing the scare. They
also follow similar tricks in frightening the audience – creepy toys, kids talking
to unseen forces, and weird paranormal experts. However, the 2015 clown fell
flat and lacks authenticity as we have seen creepier toys before like in Annabelle and Saw. In the old film, the moving and child-pulling tree is badass
and its reflections on the window panes were really hair-rising. Now, it is just
a moving tree.
Moreover, 2015’s Poltergeist also lacks the comedic aspect
from the previous film. In the 1982 movie, the family takes pleasure in the
magnetic forces inside the house. They look silly as they play around, throw things
and slide on the floor due to those forces. That and other witty scenes create
certain balance, and at the same time, intensify the frightening aura in the film.
Though there are attempts for humor in the reboot, they do not strikethrough
and the entire film generally appears tight and serious.
Yet, Raimi and Kenan provided some pleasant spins in Poltergeist. During the first major attack,
scaring the three kids at the same time and at different locations in the house
is somewhat new. Unlike in the old version, the older sister becomes
significant here. The drill scene, where one of the paranormal investigators is
pulled on the wall while his equipment mysteriously bore holes from the other
side, is also refreshing and solicits a great amount of scare. However, the
remake is not as daunting as the first movie. It fails to initially create the necessary
atmosphere which would have made everything else creepier. It is hurried and
obligated. The old film took time to build up tension and drama which resulted to
maximum fright.
Basically, both films exemplify how families can reunite to
brave a trying time and save one of their own. There is an obvious distinction
between the two movies though. In 1982, it was the mother who is courageous enough
to take the youngest child away from the poltergeist. The mother-child
relationship is strong and it is something relatable and moving. In the remake,
it is the middle child who, after feeling guilty for the disappearance of his
sibling, faces the poltergeist and saves his sister. It is still touching yet
the connection to the audience may not be as valid.
With all fairness, the actors in the present film gave
justice to their roles. In particular, newcomer Clements as the child Maddie is
exceptional. Heather O’Rourke as Carol Anne in the old film is very iconic with
her blonde bangs, chubby cheeks and angelic face. Yet, Clements stands on her
own as she also exudes her own unique charm and voice. Rockwell and Catlett also
shine in their performance as father and son.
Poltergeist is
technically good and genuinely frightening. However, there is already the 1982
movie which is a lot creepier, and considering that both films follow the same
plot, there is a question of the need for a reboot. Well, if you cannot find a
copy of the original movies in your stores or websites, the remake is a
passable replacement.