Super-hit television series The Walking Dead premiered its fifth season October 12th last year. It was an explosive first episode and though the intensity dropped low for the succeeding airings, the show continued to be gripping and intriguing. The midseason finale aired last November 30th and more than two months after, the tale of the living and dead walkers will continue this Sunday (February 8). But before that, let us relive some of the heart-pumping, jaw-dropping, and tear-jerking moments of the first half of the season.
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1. Carol’s
attack. Before the fourth episode
ended, Rick’s group had been assaulted and detained by the people in Terminus.
In the fifth season’s premiere, Carol and Tyreese (Rick’s baby daughter Judith
is with them) learned about Rick’s situation from their captive, a Terminus
inhabitant. While Tyreese stayed behind to tend Judith, Carol rushed to
Terminus and launched a violent assault. A herd of walkers also helped in the
attack and Rick’s group was finally freed and reunited with Carol’s. They also
learned that the residents of Terminus were actually cannibal led by Gareth.
2. Emergence
of Fr. Gabriel. Another character joined Rick’s crew with the appearance of
Fr. Gabriel Stokes. But he did not have a dramatic entrance. Instead, it was a
pathetic moment as the priest was hysterical and panicking atop a boulder while
a band of walkers greedily reached out for him. Rick and the gang saved his
day. Though they initially distrusted him, Fr. Gabriel offered his church as a shelter
for them.
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3. Feast
on Bob. This is perhaps one of the most gruesome moments in the season.
Gareth’s cannibal group retaliate and hunt Ricks’. Unfortunately for Bob, he
was the first target. On that fated night, he woke up to discover he was
amputated and that Gareth’s group of hunters was feasting on his grilled leg.
Well, Bob also got his dose of revenge when he revealed he had been bitten by a
walker in an earlier assault in a food bank. A “tainted meat” for the cannibal
4. Church
massacre. Rick could not risk another kidnapping by Gareth, and so they
launched an ambush against the enemy. In the bloody third episode, Rick’s group
savagely butchered Gareth and his band of cannibals.
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